Saturday, May 24, 2014

Infra-red Image capturing

There are some existing applications such as Processing, MRPT which support IR Image capturing. However, they were all built for Xbox Kinect, and they does not support Kinect for Windows.
Furthermore, Kinect SDK does not provide a built-in IR image capture functionality, so I decided to use OpenCV, and OpenKinect (Libfreenect) to capture IR images.

OpenCV libraries are used for processing images. It is used in my application for creating/capturing frame from video, and saving the images.

OpenKinect libraries provide the drivers for Kinect in all system environment (Mac, Linux and Windows). And I used it for getting RGB video and IR video, then pass it to OpenCV to do further process.

Here are the images that I captured.(Left side was taken from RGB video, right side was taken from IR video):

The calibration tool that I'm going to use is GML calibration toolbox.

The chessboard pattern I was using does not fulfil the requirements of the tool, it requires odd * even in size.  New chessboard pattern will be applied.

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